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A Better
Brandywine Valley

The Sun East Foundation helps fund non-profit organizations in the Greater Brandywine Valley that are dedicated to improving the health and well-being in our community. Since our inception in 2011, we have supported over 181 organizations and provided donations totaling over $493,000.

Golfers on a practice green
Two women in a golf cart

2024 Golf Tournament

Save the date! The Annual Golf Classic is on September 17, 2024, at White Manor Country Club.

The Brandywine Valley Thrives When We Work Together

The Sun East Foundation is dedicated to keeping the Greater Brandywine Valley one of the most desired, historic, and naturally beautiful regions in the nation. We focus our efforts on the following areas:


kids mixing in a bowl

Health & Human Services

doctor giving a shot to a woman

Natural, Cultural, & Historic Preservation

man under a bush
Jill Whitcomb
“Surrey Services for Seniors deeply appreciates our special partnership with Sun East Foundation, from the phenomenal volunteer engagement to the generous in-kind donations and financial support. We could not offer the wide array of services and programs we do without this remarkable commitment. We are so grateful for the Sun East Foundation’s continued support which helps to facilitate Surrey’s continuum of center-based, virtual, and in-home programs and services that support vulnerable seniors and encourage all older adults to age in place and thrive. Older adults depend on Surrey and Surrey depends on champions like the Sun East Foundation to advance our mission. The Foundation has always embodied the Surrey philosophy of “Neighbor Helping Neighbor” and serves as an inspiration to others in our Surrey community.”
Jill Whitcomb, President and CEO of Surrey Services for Seniors
Bess Trout
“Thanks to the funding from the Sun East Foundation, there is beauty in the garden, education for our visitors, and full dinner plates for our neighbors.”
Bess Trout, Senior Gardener Tyler Arboretum
Raelyn Harman
“The Sun East Foundation supports students and educators in Delaware County through their partnership with Teachers’ Teammates. Sun East staff get personally involved by volunteering and come to understand exactly what it takes to make an impact to ensure that teachers’ have access to school supplies for their students who otherwise would do without.”
Raelyn Harman, Executive Director of Teachers’ Teammates
Jeannine Fallon Anckaitis
“Like Sun East Foundation, we are committed to helping positively affect the health, education, and well‐being of the communities we serve. Our partnership with Sun East will help us cover expenses relating to the active and productive opportunities we create for under-served children and their families.”
Jeannine Fallon Anckaitis, Executive Director of Youth Development United

Committed to Serving the Greater Brandywine Valley

Our Board of Directors is comprised of community leaders from the Greater Brandywine Valley dedicated to the region and the people who call it home.